Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Which deodorant?

okay well i have a huge problem. i wear deodorant every single day. i wash my armpits daily and right when i get out of the shower i put on deodorant. but i still sweat badly under my arms which causes wetness. and you can see it and i sweat daily. i have tried so many different deodorant. the gel kind doesnt work and the solid kind doesnt either. even when i am not cold i sweat. does anybody have a cure for this. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!

Which deodorant?
Hi there! Sounds like you may have axillary hyperhidrosis (the medical term for excessive sweating of the underarms). Welcome to the club--there are about 176 million of us around the world. It is a genetic disorder--so you can thank your parents for this one. The good news is that there are safe and effective options.

According to the International Hyperhidrosis Society (the world%26#039;s gurus of sweat at you can treat axillary HH by:

1.) *Proper* use of strong anti-perspirants (deodorants just make sweat smell pretty, they don%26#039;t stop it). Here are tips for how to make APs work their best for you: apply at night before bed; apply to a totally dry underarm; use a SOFT SOLID--no matter what brand you like, this form is the most effective. You can apply in the morning again if you want an extra boost.)

2.) Botox (lasts at least 6 months and insurance often pays!)

Lots of us use these treatments in combination. It%26#039;s so important to get with a dermatologist that knows all about these options and you can craft the best treatment plan. The IHHS has a good physician database that you can use to find a derm near her. Plus while you are there you can read all about the treatment options so you can become a guru too!

OH, you should totally get the FREE book Teen Sweat 101 from the IHHS. Just send an email to and they will send the book out right away. This is a great way to learn about the all things sweat.

Hey, make sure you subscribe to their newsletter. They tell you about new developments in HH so you can be the first in line to get the best in class treatment--sometimes free! Check out their recent article about Secret Clinical Strength, for example.

Good luck!

PS: Don%26#039;t ever consider ETS surgery because it often causes %26quot;comensatory sweating%26quot; which is profuse sweating on large areas of the body. In addition, surgery is not reversible--no matter what the doc tells her. Lots of people are upset about their surgery and in some countries it%26#039;s actually outlawed.
Reply:okay calm down. it is probably just hormones. secret deodorant now makes one that is not a prescribtion but it works just like one. just check that aisle in the grocery store and you will probably be able to find it. i heard it works really good. its in a gray box
Reply:first of all, calm down. Mayeb your hormones are making you sweat like this. I used to sweat kind of a lot but then I used secret gel deodorant and it worked. Mayeb you should test some different deodorants out. Also, calm down. Maybe you sweat when your cold because your body is shaking. Here is some tips: you should wear cotton clothing because it air out more and that will get rid of smell and wetness a litte, wear light colored clothing because you can%26#039;t see sweat that well and it doesn%26#039;t attract the sun as much, wear one deodorant on one armpit and on the other one try a different deodorant. when you get home from school, see which one smells better and is dryer. keep doing that until you are happy. Maybe you also have sweating problems. If you sweat more than you think you should, ask your gym teracher if this is ok and if she doesn%26#039;t know or yo don%26#039;t want to ask her, then go see a doctor. Of course this is not a big thing to deal about because if you do have sweating problems than they have good medicine. Also you can wear a cami under your shirts so the sweat will go on that instead of the visible clothing piece. Hope I helped and good luck!!
Reply:use REXONA 24 hours protection deodorent. use it after shower....believe me, it works 100%.


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